Angel M. Hinzo
Assistant Professor History & Ethnic Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
OLDH 605
Lincoln NE 68588-0327 - Phone
Ha, Hocąk rasra Hinuk maxi ke ide nuk ga naga Wihuh hįįngaire.
Wakąnja hikikarac hižą waa’ųnakšąną.
Angel M. Hinzo (Ho-Chunk, Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska) is an Assistant Professor of History and is joint-appointed in the Institute for Ethnic Studies. She is a Native American and Indigenous Studies Historian, and her research engages with Ho-Chunk history, federal Indian law in the United States, Native American women’s history and feminist theory. She completed her degree in History with a minor in linguistics at the University of California, San Diego. Hinzo holds a Ph.D in Native American Studies with a designated emphasis in feminist theory and research from the University of California, Davis. She previously was an Interdisciplinary Research Incubator for the Study of (In)Equality (IRISE) Postdoctoral Fellow in Interdisciplinary Indigenous Studies at the University of Denver. After completing her fellowship, she held a Visiting Assistant Professor position in Native American and Indigenous Studies at the University of San Diego and later became an Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies.
Since joining the faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Angel M. Hinzo has become a Fellow in the Center for Great Plains Studies and has been an active community member at the Lincoln American Indian Center. She is excited to be teaching on the homelands of the Otoe-Missouria, Pawnee, Ponca, Omaha, Dakota, Lakota, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kaw people, and recognizes that Nebraska is also home to relocated Ho-Chunk, Iowa, and Sac & Fox tribes. Hinzo is currently developing a book manuscript that focuses on 19th and 20th century Ho-Chunk history and self-determination in the settler state.
- HIST 160 / ETHN 160: Native Americans in Popular Culture
- HIST 241 / ETHN 241: Native American History
- HIST 358 / ETHN 358 / WMNS 358: Native American Women
- HIST 464 / ETHN 464: Native American History – Selected Topics
- HIST 991 / GPSP 991: Readings and Problems in the History of the North American West
- Hinzo, Nelson, Lee, and Willie, “Illuminating the Bright Spots of Our Educational Pathways: A Gift From Us to Our Younger Selves”. Celebrating Survival of Indigenous Culture, Knowledge, and Values in Educational Spaces: Foregrounding the Voices of Indigenous Girls and Women. Stephanie Masta (ed.). Forthcoming from Routledge.
- Garcia-Olp, Nelson, Hinzo, and Young, “Indigenous Epistemologies: Implementing Indigenous Practices and Perceptions to the area of STEM”. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue: Vol. 22, No. 1 & 2 (2020), pp. 197-215, article.
- Clark and Hinzo, “Digital Survivance: Mediatization and the sacred in the tribal digital activism of the #NoDAPL movement”. The Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture, Vol. 8: 1 (2019), pp. 76-104, article. https://brill.com/view/journals/rmdc/8/1/article-p76_76.xml?language=en.
- Hinzo and Clark, “Digital survivance and Trickster humor: exploring visual and digital Indigenous epistemologies in the #NoDAPL movement”. Information, Communication & Society, Vol. 22: 6 (2019), pp. 791-807, article.
- Hinzo, “‘We’re not going to sit idly by’: 45 Years of Asserting Native Sovereignty Along the Missouri River in Nebraska”. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society: Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018), pp. 200-214, article. https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/des/article/view/30414.
- Why We Wear Red: Settler Colonialism and Addressing Gender Violence in Native America, HerDU Conference, University of Denver. 2023.
- Ho-Chunk History, Survivance, and Resistance, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2023.
- In Their Own Words: A Series on the Autobiographies, Narratives and Letters of Women of Color Latina & Indigenous Women’s Narratives, Humanities Center, University of San Diego. 2021.
- Restoring Native Histories and Navigating Settler Archives, Native Historian Symposium, Missouri Humanities Council. 2020.
- Our Ancestors Were Scientists and We Are Too: Supporting Indigenous Youth to Protect Our Waters, Advocacy & Water Protection in Native California Symposium. 2020.
- Remembering Ho-poe-kaw: Challenging Colonial Fantasies and Reclaiming Indigenous Feminisms in History, Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference. 2019.
- Challenging Master Narratives and (Re)telling Ho-Chunk History, 1862-1935, American Historical Association Annual Conference. 2017.
- Native American History
- Native American and Indigenous Studies
- U.S. Federal Indian Law and Policy
- Native American Feminisms
- Archival Research
- Indigenous Spiritual Traditions
- Women and Gender
- Decolonial Theory and Praxis
- Ph.D. in Native American Studies, University of California, Davis
- BA in History, University of California, San Diego