Travel Funding

Graduate Conference and Research Awards

Annually, the Graduate Committee grants ten awards in two categories: conference or research. Students are eligible for only one funding award in each category per academic year.


Homze Award for European Historians

  • $400 for conference

Maslowski Award

  • 1 x $500 for conference
  • 2 x $500 for research

Wood Memorial Award

  • $250 for conference


Homze Award for European Historians

  • $400 for research

Maslowski Award

  • 1 x $500 for conference
  • 2 x $500 for research

Landis Memorial Award

  • $500 for research

Application Deadlines

  • September 15 for October-March expenses. Notification by September 30
  • March 15 for April-September expenses. Notification by March 30

Application Guidelines

Conference Funding   Research Funding


Please direct any questions about annual awards to the Graduate Chair or Graduate Secretary.