Waskar T. Ari-Chachaki

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Waskar T. Ari-Chachaki

Associate Professor History & Ethnic Studies/Latin American Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln


631 OLDH
Lincoln NE 68588-0327
402-472-2414 On-campus 2-2414




Waskar Ari is a historian of nineteenth- and twentieth- century Latin American nation-states and how they intersect with indigenous peoples and coloniality; his work particularly emphasizes race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Ari’s book, Earth Politics: Coloniality, Religion and Bolivia’s AMP Indigenous Intellectuals, 1921-1971, was published by Duke University Press. He is now working on four new projects: 1) A study of indigenous women, land tenure, and civil rights in the private and public spheres from 1825 to 1971. This study will also address the Aymara cultural context and how indigenous women dealt with the experience of coloniality; 2) A history of Bolivian sexualities that will address homosexuality and heterosexuality between 1930-1980 by exploring specific cases in indigenous communities during a time when Bolivian patriarchy was being restructured; 3) A study of the young Evo Morales in the period from 1953 to 1979 that emphasizes the history of post-revolutionary Bolivia, global politics, and the Cold War. This work will consider discourses of masculinity and gender in the context of Morales's indigenous life and the long history of the Bolivian labor movement; and 4) A comparative study of the Indian leaders Pablo Zarate Willka (1850-1905) in the Andes and Standing Bear (1834-1908) in the Great Plains. This comparative project will explore the making of alternative public spheres, ideas about citizenship, and their appropriation by North American Indians and South American indigenous peoples.

Ari teaches a range of courses on Latin America and Caribbean history with an emphasis on Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Guatemala. For lower-level undergraduates, he teaches Power and Culture in Latin America, Colonial Latin America, Modern Latin America, and World History Post-1500. For upper level undergraduates and graduates, he teaches Race in Modern Latin America, Gender and Sexuality, History of Brazil, and Latin America and Global Relations. Ari occasionally teaches in the honors program and the Latin American pro-seminar, which is cross-listed in other 5 departments.



  • HIST 121: World History Since 1500 CE
  • HIST 171 / ETHN 171: History of Latin America (formerly Power and Culture in Latin America)
  • HIST 271 / ETHN 271: Colonial Latin America
  • HIST 272 / ETHN 272: Modern Latin America
  • HIST 373 / ETHN 373: Latin America and Global Relations (formerly Latin America and the Outside World)
  • HIST 374 / ETHN 374: History of Brazil
  • HIST 397: Special Topics in History - Colonial Andes
  • HIST 463/863 / ETHN463: Indigenous Peoples of Latin America 
  • HIST 476A/876A / WMNS 476A/876A / ETHN 476A: Gender and Sexuality in Latin America
  • HIST 476B/876B / ETHN476B: Race in Modern Latin America
  • HIST 478/878 / ANTH 478/878 / GEOG 478/878 / POLS 478/878 / SOCI 478/878 / MODL 478/878 / EDPS 478/878 / LAMS 478: Pro-Seminar in Latin American Studies - Race in Modern Latin America
  • UHON 395H: Homosexuality in Latin America


  • ACLS Fellowship, 2015-2016; amount $ 45,000
  • Arts & Humanities Enhancement Fund Award at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010
  • Rockefeller Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Texas (Race & Resources in Latin America), Austin, TX, 2002


  • Earth Politics: Bolivia’s AMP Indigenous Intellectuals 1921-1971 (Duke University Press, 2014).
  • Aruskipasiñasataki: El siglo XXI y el futuro del pueblo Aymara [Contemporary Aymara Movements and the Construction of Their Discourse]. (La Paz: Amuyañataki, 2001), editor.
  • Tata Fermin [The Indian leader Fermin Vallejos and Indigenous Movements in the Southern part of Cochabamba]. (Cochabamba: Cenda, 1996), co-authored with Pablo Regasly, 1996.
  • Historia de una esperanza: Milenarismo, Rebelión, Resistencia y Conciencia Campesina/Indígena [Economic Change and the Making of New Traditions]. (La Paz: Aruwiyiri, 1994).


  • “Framing and Disseminating the Indian Law and Toribio Miranda’s Jaqi Nationalism,” Anuario Estudios Bolivianos 2011 Sucre, Bolivia: ABNB, 2011:103-130.
  • “Between Indian Law and Qullasuyu Nationaism: Gregorio Titiriku and the making of AMP indigenous Activists, 1921-1964,” Bolivian Studies Journal, 2010: 91-113.
  • “Procesos de descolonización y la rueda de la historia en Bolivia” [Provincializing Bolivia: Five Centuries of Historicism], La identidad Latinoamérica en el tercer milenio- Encuentros del Bicentenario,” May 2009: 58-65.
  • “Norma racial y genealogía del mestizaje en Bolivia, siglos XIX al presente” [Bolivia’s Racial Regulatory System and Mestizaje], Anuario 2008 de Estudios Bolivianos, 2009:143-153.
  • “Indigenous Nationalism After 1952: The case of AMP Activist-Intellectual Andres Jachaqullu,” Anuario 2007 de Estudios Bolivianos. Sucre: Biblioteca Nacional de Bolivia, 2008: 1-30.


  • “Against Coloniality: Andres and Matilide Jachaqullu’s Indigenous Movement and Its Resonances in Bolivia Under Evo Morales”, Becoming Indigenous, Asserting Indigeneity, Georgetown University, March 15-16, 2013.
  • “Finding Earth Politics in Indigenous Archives - 1921-1971”, American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA., January 6-9, 2011.
  • “Framing and Disseminating Indian Law and Toribio Miranda’s Jaqi Nationalism”, Repositioning Indigeneity in Latin America, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD., November 4-6, 2010.
  • “Subaltern Strategies to Speak Out: Andres Jachaqullu in Times of Assimilation in Bolivia, 1942-1977”, Loyola University, October 26, 2009, New Orleans, LA.
  • “‘Qullasuyu Nationalism’, Alternative Modernity and Multi-focal Public Audiences: Bolivia’s AMP Indigenous Intellectuals Gregorio Titiriku and Rosa Ramos, 1921-1964”, American Historical Association Annual Meeting, New York City, N.Y., January 2, 2009.
  • “Earth Politics: Beginnings of Qullasuyu Nationalism, 1936-1960”, Indigenous Peoples Mapping New Terrain, Northwestern Univ. 8-9 May 2008.
  • “Bolivia at 2050: The Construction of the Indigenous Social Discourse”, Twentieth-First Century Nation Making Conference, Bolivian National Convention, Sucre, May, 2007.
  • “Fluidarity and Aboriginal Nationalism in Bolivia (1899-2005)”, Sawyer Seminar, New College, University of Toronto, Canada, November 17, 2006.


  • Indigenous Peoples
  • International Relations
  • Latin America
  • Social History
  • World History


  • Ph.D. in History, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 2005
  • M.A. in Democracy Studies, CIDES, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, 1996
  • B.A. in Rural Sociology, Department of Sociology, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, 1992