Student Spotlight: Michele Amani

Photo Credit: Student spotlight: Michele Amani
Tue, 10/15/2024 - 15:43

Michele Amani
Instagram: @michele_amani
Majors: History and Anthropology
Hometown: Omaha
Year at UNL: Junior

Favorite Book and Why?
My favorite book would have to be Jane Eyre, I love any classic books especially by female authors like Charlotte Bronte. I really like the story between Jane and Mr. Rochester and how Jane grows as a person as well. The ending is perfect and makes me emotional every time.

Favorite Movie and Why?
My favorite movie would have to be Jane Eyre (no surprise) but specifically the 2006 BBC miniseries, though the 2011 movie is also great. It adapts the book perfectly and the acting and chemistry are great. Any period drama however is my favorite genre, Pride and Prejudice, Little Dorrit, anything like that I really enjoy.

Why Anthropology?
I started my college career as a history major because I loved learning about the past. I like seeing how events unfold and the cause and effect of decisions. I added anthropology in my first couple of weeks at UNL because they had a museums studies option, which was perfect for me as I knew even then I wanted to work in a museum for my career. I also think that history and anthropology go hand in hand, and I always see connections between my classes.

A class I took recently was ANTH 492: Stitching Culture where I got to work in the International Quilt Museum and helped with an exhibition opening. It was really cool to work hands on with the collections and get experience in a museum. I also enjoy Saints, Witches, and Madwomen which I am taking right now. If you enjoy European and women's history, I highly recommend this class as everything I'm learning I find fascinating!

I plan to start an internship at the Quilt Museum this fall semester through the micro-internship program here at UNL. I'm really excited to work there especially since I've seen how things work already over the course of the class. The micro-internship program was really easy to apply to and the process was smooth. I'm glad for the opportunity to gain experience! I am also involved in The Swift Society, Big Red Readers, and the History Club.

After I graduation I plan on getting my master's in history. I'm hoping to get into a program somewhere East that gives me the opportunity to work in an archive. After that I hope to work in collections, either an archive or museum of some sort.