Meet Clara Youlden

August 28, 2023

Clara Youlden
Clara Youlden

Major: Global Studies
Minor: History, Asian Studies, Religious Studies
Hometown: Moorhead, MN

Year: Senior

Favorite book and why?
I love so many books it’s hard to choose just one, but I think I’d say "Perelandra" by C.S. Lewis. It’s part of his space trilogy, and it has so much to say about humans and our relationship with God and the universe and it grapples with really deep themes. It is also just such a beautiful story and I love the way C.S. Lewis writes.

Favorite movie and why?
The live action remake of "Cinderella" with Lily James. I love how this movie portrays goodness, kindness, and courage as superpowers. Cinderella overcomes the obstacles she encounters with such dignity and grace. I find it very inspiring!!

Why Global Studies?
I chose Global Studies because I wanted a major that would push me to learn more about other cultures and to understand more about different parts of the world. From a young age when my family spent a year in China, I’ve loved traveling the world and experiencing new things. I love learning about what is important to other people because I believe each person and their perspectives and feelings are incredibly important. Global Studies has helped me to do this.

One of my favorite classes was Intercultural Communication - it helped me see things through a new lens because we discussed different topics and learned from each other. My favorite classes have mainly been the ones where the format of the class creates an environment where you are encouraged to get to know your classmates. Each person has such a unique perspective and can add so much when given the right environment. So some advice I’d give is to get to know your classmates and be intentional about asking good questions.

I think Global Studies has so much to offer. It is so easy to see only what is right in front of us, but there is so much more to the world. There are so many more perspectives on everything than we think about. Being in Global Studies has really helped me see and appreciate this. It is such a versatile major and teaches so many practical skills. I would highly recommend it for anyone seeking to grow in these areas.

Extracurricular Experience:
During my time in college, I had the opportunity of interning with Lincoln Literacy. It was an incredible experience. I feel like, as an out of state college student, it’s really easy to become isolated in a college bubble and not interact with the larger community in which we live, but this internship really helped me connect with the larger community of Lincoln and invest in other people in a meaningful way. I learned so much as I taught English classes and it was such a valuable experience.

I also had the opportunity to travel to Côte d’Ivoire last November on a short trip and it was such a beautiful experience. I got to spend a few days on a college campus there and meet students and hear about their lives. It was so sweet to make connections with them and learn from them. I’ve also been really involved in a group on campus called Cru. It’s a Christian group that has offered me so much support during my time in college and has also contributed significantly to my growth as a person and as a leader. My faith is really important to me and I think it can be so beneficial to have spiritual support whatever that looks like.

What are you post-graduation plans?
My plans for next year are to intern with Cru and then eventually join staff with them. I’ve been inspired by the Cru staff in Nebraska and across the Midwest by the ways that they’ve cared for me and for other college students. For a long time, I’ve wanted a job that I feel makes a difference in the lives of others; one that helps me serve others and help them feel loved. And I feel like working with Cru would help me accomplish this goal. I’m so excited to see what the future holds!