Meet Allyson Crawford-Thiel Soto

November 29, 2022

Allyson Crawford-Thiel Soto
Allyson Crawford-Thiel Soto

Major: Women's and gender studies
Minors: English, history
Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska

Why did you select your major and minors? Were there any events or people that convinced you to declare?
At first, I had never even heard of a women's and gender studies major and had declared a different major my freshman year. Once I took that "Intro to Women's and Gender Studies 101" though, I was convinced that I had to make a change. I love that the field is so interdisciplinary and that I have been able to learn in different contexts and through different lenses.

What is your favorite course you have taken from your program(s) and why?
Definitely "WMNS 485, Feminist Theories". It allowed me to take a look at all that I've learned throughout my WGS courses and then question my knowledge again. It perfectly encapsulates the spirit of my feminist journey, which will become a lifelong expedition with many questions and answers ahead.

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?
Dr. Rose Holz has definitely been one of my strongest role models. I think what she has taught me most is that she too is constantly having to reshape her worldview, always looking to add an intersectional approach, and trying to allow space for multiple voices to be simultaneously right in their thinking (even if some aspects may be flawed). That kind of thinking inspires me to become more flexible in my own.