'The Bell Affair' available for streaming March 26

March 22, 2024

Still from The Bell Affair
Still from The Bell Affair

The animated film "The Bell Affair" will be available on VOD streaming March 26 via a partnership between distributor Random Media and NUtech Ventures.

Produced by Salt Marsh Productions, the feature-length film was developed by first-time director Kwakiutl Dreher, faculty member in the Department of English; researcher Will Thomas, faculty member in the Department of History; and Husker colleague Michael Burton, faculty member in the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Telling the story of slaves Daniel and Mary Bell, the film is based on research from Thomas' book A Question of Freedom: The Families Who Challenged Slavery from the Nation's Founding to the Civil War, published by Yale University Press. The Bells convince their owner to emancipate their family but are threatened with re-enslavement and the sale of their children when the widow of their former slaveholder challenges the Bells' freedom in court. They lead the largest escape attempt in the history of American slavery.

The production was innovately filmed and directed remotely during the pandemic, with no cast member ever in the same room. The film won Best Animation at the Prince George's Film Festival and recognition from Silk Roads International Film Festival and Golden State Film Festival.

The trailer and additional information about the film are available on the official website and "New film, 'Bell Affair,' explores freedom suits in America" on Nebraska Today.

Availability and pricing vary by streaming platform (e.g., iTunes, Google Play, Amazon). Random Media is a content company that acquires and distributes films worldwide through movie theaters; digital platforms; cable, satellite, and television networks; and retailers.

NUtech Ventures is the nonprofit technology commercialization affiliate of the University of Nebraska that evaluates, protects, markets and licenses the university's intellectual property. The film received "Creative Work of the Year" in 2022 from them.