Armenian Weekly features writing by Der Matossian

February 27, 2025

Bedross Der Matossian

An article by Jeanne Theoharis and Robert Artinian in The Armenian Weekly outlines the writing of "Representing the 1909 Adana Massacres in Armeno-Turkish: Garabed Artinian and the Case for a Historical Reading" by Bedross Der Matossian. The piece was published in the International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, the official journal of the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute. The authors are the great-grandchildren of Garabed Artinian, an eyewitness to the 1909 Adana Massacres.

  • "'God cried': Charles’ 'destan' on the 110th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide":
    View the article in The Armenian Weekly
  • "Representing the 1909 Adana Massacres in Armeno-Turkish: Garabed Artinian and the Case for a Historical Reading":
    View the article in the International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies