An article by Jeanne Theoharis and Robert Artinian in The Armenian Weekly outlines the writing of "Representing the 1909 Adana Massacres in Armeno-Turkish: Garabed Artinian and the Case for a Historical Reading" by Bedross Der Matossian. The piece was published in the International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, the official journal of the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute. The authors are the great-grandchildren of Garabed Artinian, an eyewitness to the 1909 Adana Massacres.
- "'God cried': Charles’ 'destan' on the 110th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide":
View the article in The Armenian Weekly - "Representing the 1909 Adana Massacres in Armeno-Turkish: Garabed Artinian and the Case for a Historical Reading":
View the article in the International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies