History Graduate Students’ Association

The History Graduate Students’ Association (HGSA) of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln aims to build and maintain a collegial graduate student community and represent the interests of this community to faculty, staff, and administration

Every history graduate student is welcome to be an HGSA member, participate in our formal and informal meetings, attend professional development workshops, run for our leadership positions, and help organize the annual James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about the program, institution, or our community at hgsa@unl.edu.


Brianna DeValk and Colten Skinner
612 Oldfather Hall

James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities

The Rawley Conference is a forum for graduate students across disciplines to present their work and receive valuable feedback from department faculty. This interdisciplinary conference is open to both Nebraska students and non-UNL graduate students.

Professor Emeritus James A. Rawley was a member of the University’s History Department from 1964 until 2005. Specializing in the Civil War era and American race relations, Professor Rawley authored numerous books, including Race and Politics: Bleeding Kansas and the Coming of the Civil War and The Transatlantic Slave Trade: A History. He was a member of many professional organizations ranging from the Nebraska State Historical Society to the Organization of American Historians, which awards its annual Rawley Prize for distinguished scholarship in the field of American race relations.

The Annual James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities honors Dr. Rawley and encourages future scholarship in a variety of disciplines.