Gerald Steinacher
“Le pape contre Nuremberg. Les procès des crimes de guerre nazis, le Vatican et la question de la après la guerre” (“The Pope against Nuremberg: The Nazi War Crimes Trials, the Vatican, and the Postwar Question”)
Revue D’Histoire de la Shoah, n° 218: Le Vatican, l’Église catholique et la Shoah. Renouveau Historiographique autour des archives Pie XII (Shoah History Review, no. 218: The Vatican, the Catholic Church, and the Shoah: Historiographical Renewal around the Pius XII Archives) (Mémorial de la Shoah; October 2023)

Bedross Der Matossian
“Impunity, Lack of Humanitarian Intervention, and International Apathy: The Blockade of the Lachin Corridor in Historical Perspective”
Genocide Studies International, Volume 15 No. 1, Spring 2021: Nagorno-Karabakh and the Lachin Corridor Crisis (University of Toronto Press; August 2023)

Gerald J. Steinacher (co-edited with Ari Kohen), with an article by graduate student Timothy Turnquist
“Introduction” (with Ari Kohen); “‘Semites’ on Display: David Gordon Lyon and the Jewish Other at Harvard University, 1889–1926” (by Timothy Turnquist, Ph.D. student)
Antisemitism on the Rise: The 1930s and Today (University of Nebraska Press; October 2021)

Gerald J. Steinacher (co-edited with Ari Kohen)
“Introduction” (with Ari Kohen) and “The University in Exile and the Garden of Eden: Alvin Johnson and His Rescue Efforts for European Jews and Intellectuals” (with Brian Barmettler)
Unlikely Heroes: The Place of Holocaust Rescuers in Research and Teaching (University of Nebraska Press; May 2019)

Katrina Jagodinsky (edited with Pablo Mitchell)
“Introduction: Into the Void, or the Musings and Confessions of a Redheaded Stepchild Lost in Western Legal History and Found in the Legal Borderlands of the North American West”
Beyond the Borders of the Law: Critical Legal Histories of the North American West (University Press of Kansas; September 2018)
John R. Wunder (Professor Emeritus)
“Mari Sandoz and Her 1956 Fifty-Year Predictions”
Studies in Midwestern History (Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018 – online)

Carole Levin (edited with Anna Riehl Bertolet)
“Introduction” with Anna Riehl Bertolet and “From the Trial of Charles I to Comic Scenes of Hamlet: Using Creative Projects in Small Classes and Large Ones”
Creating the Premodern in the Postmodern Classroom: Creativity in Early English Literature and History Courses (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies [ACMRS]; May 2018)

Carole Levin (edited with Anna Riehl Bertolet and Jo Eldridge Carney), with entries by current and former students
“Mary Baynton,” “Elizabeth Evans [“Canberry Bess”],” “Mary Ryder Lake,” “Ann Lake Cecil Rodney, Lady Ros,” “Anne Waters,” “Cordell Annesley Harvey,” “Anne Kirkall Burnell,” Phillipa Brooke Calverly Burton,” “Frances Brydges Smith Cecil, Countess of Exeter,” “Mary Kitson Darcy,” “Penelope Darcy Trenchard Gage Hervey,” “Elizabeth Cornwallis Kitson,” “Ethelreda Malte Harington,” “Katherine Parr Borough Neville Seymour,” “Elizabeth Tudor, Elizabeth I, Queen of England,” “Elizabeth Macheson Coverdale,” and “Winefrid Wigmore”
A Biographical Encyclopedia of Early Modern Englishwomen: Exemplary Lives and Memorable Acts, 1500-1650 (Routledge; November 2016)

Parks Coble (柯博文)
「柯博文战金融体系的维持: 保护法币的挑战」 [“Maintaining the financial system in wartime China: The challenge of preserving the fabi”]
〈民族救亡与复兴视野下的上海金融业 。复旦大学中国金融史研究中心〉 [Shanghai’s Financial Industry under the Vision of National Salvation and Rejuvenation. Fudan University China Financial History Research Center] (复旦大学出版社 [Fudan University Press]; October 2016)