16th Annual James A. Rawley
Graduate Conference in the Humanities
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
October 3-4, 2024
Join the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) in the Nebraska City Campus Union for two days of engaging student panels, roundtables, invited lectures, workshops, free food, and more this October! This year the Rawley Conference is welcoming over 50 presenters from around the world to participate in discussions surrounding the theme “War & Society.” Over the course of the conference attendees will have the opportunity to join in on various conversations from veterans of the American Civil who became involved in the Agrarian Revolt of the 19th Century to how we teach the Holocaust in the 21st Century.
All sessions and events are free and open to the public. Attendees will have the opportunity to attend in-person or online via Zoom. Zoom links to individual sessions and panels are under construction and will be available on the website when ready.
Contact the Rawley Organizing Committee with questions:
Program Schedule
All listed times are in Central Standard Time (CST).
Schedule is still subject to change.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Check-In: Opens 8:30am (closes 7:00pm)
Morning refreshments sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) will be available inside the Heritage Room.
Session One: 9:00am – 10:30am
Panel A - International Law, Policy, and Relations Since WWI
Located in Regency Suite AM
Panel B - Disaster, Health, and Recovery After War
Located in Regency Suite B
Session Two: 10:45am – 12:15pm
Panel A - Getting Published: Strategies and Tactics for Book & Journal Publications (Roundtable)
Located in Regency Suite A
*This panel is sponsored by the University of Nebraska Press
Panel B - War, Children, and Violence in Modern Africa
Located in Regency Suite B
Panel C - Literature, Film, and the Interpretation of Recovery After War
Located in Regency Suite C
Lunch: 12:15pm – 1:15pm
Located inside the Heritage Room. Lunch sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA). A meal ticket is required – see registration form for details.
Session Three: 1:15pm – 2:45pm
Panel A - The Scars that Bind: Wars that Shaped & Reshaped American National Identity
Located in Regency Suite A
Panel B - Soldiers, Veterans, and the American Civil War
Located in Regency Suite B
Panel C - Sports and National Relations During the Cold War
Located in Regency Suite C
Session Four: 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Panel A - The Pen is Mightier: The Power of Language and Rhetoric in Times of Conflict
Located in Regency Suite A
Panel B - Image & Influence: Holocaust Memory in Cold War Era Politics & Popular Media
Located in Regency Suite B
Panel C - Militancy, War, and Refugees Around the World
Located in Regency Suite C
Keynote Lecture: 5:00pm – 6:30pm
“Amis: The US Army and German Society, 1945-1995”
Dr. Adam Seipp, Texas A&M University
The keynote lecture will be held in the Swanson Auditorium across from the Heritage Room. Doors open at 4:30 pm.
Dinner: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Located inside the Heritage Room. Sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA). A meal ticket is required – see registration form for details.
Friday, October 4, 2024
Check-In: Opens 8:30am (closes 3:00pm)
Morning refreshments sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) will be available inside the Centennial Room.
Session Five: 9:00 – 10:30am
Panel A - Nebraska at War: Veterans, Youth, and Memory
Located in the Centennial Room - Room A
Panel B - War, Genocide, and its Memory through Multimedia
Located in the Centennial Room - Room B
Session Six: 10:45am – 12:45pm
Digital Humanities Lightning Round
Located in the Centennial Room
Lunch: 12:15 – 1:15pm
Located in the Centennial Room. Sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA). A meal ticket is required – see registration form for details.
Student Workshop: 2:00 – 3:30pm
Digital Tools: Obsidian
Located in the Centennial Room
Sponsored by the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) in collaboration with the Digital Humanities Student Association (DHSA).