Summer Study Abroad to South Africa with Dr. Curry

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by Mikal B. Eckstrom Mon, 02/02/2015 - 11:12

South Africa is a thriving African nation neighbored by Namibia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Lesotho.  Boasting a multi-lingual and ethnically diverse population, South Africa is a country of contrasting geographical terrains of beaches, deserts, mountains, and the seas.  Skyscrapers tower its major cities and its rural areas provide a glimpse of South Africa’s pristine past.  From May 18th to June 5th 2014, Dr. Dawne Y. Curry took five students:  Amy Soderquist, Deborah Embree, Elyse Lyons, Kelsie Vanderkolk and Mirvat Al-Hajj, to South Africa on the History Department’s first study abroad to Cape Town. These students represented not only history majors but also majors and minors of Ethnic Studies, Global Studies and Psychology. Students visited four museums, experienced a safari, and township living.  Because of the past’s program’s success, another Study Abroad to South Africa, this time visiting Cape Town and Johannesburg where students will be engaged in traditional classroom learning and interaction with historical documents, spaces, and sites, as well as assignments analyzing how history is produced, preserved and conveyed.  2015 Study Abroad to South Africa will occur during the pre-session from May 18th to June 5th.  For further details please consult the university's Education Abroad website for an application, scholarship information and for more information about the trip.  You can also contact Dr. Curry at  The deadline is February 15, 2015.   ​